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My name is Norma and I live in Southampton. I am a craft enthusiast and am rarely seen without some project or other in the making. I run a monthly craft session for a chronic pain support group and am always coming up with crafty ideas that can be completed by even the most hesitant hands. I lovingly refer to it as 'Adult Play School' - everyone able to take something home by the end of the session that they have created. 

I now offer these sessions to a wider audience. I am happy to teach groups of up to 8 people. These can be either in my lovely conservatory, in special workshops or in the comfort of your own home; the minimum requirement being a table to sit at and reasonable light. 

The projects are listed on the website. The media include paper, fabric, wire, beads and yarn. The skills include cutting, folding, glueing, bending and crocheting. Most are designed to be do-able in 2-3 hours. Crochet items will probably have to be completed at home.

I am also happy to take suggestions if there is a particular technique that a group wishes to learn. 

The emphasis is on fun and good company!

Tea, coffee and biscuits provided for free. You can also choose to add tasty extras to make the event even more special.

Follow links to prices and contact details